Serving the Bodies and the Souls of the Hungry
THE LADLE is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation that was founded in 2005 to help the growing number of needy residents in the Ambridge area. .
Anyone in need of a nourishing meal is welcome at THE LADLE. There is no means test for participation. Every Monday afternoon, a hot meal is served to approximately 80 to 100 hungry people. Our guests include the elderly, young adults and families with children. Many of our guests are unemployed, homeless, lonely and economically unstable.
Steadily increasing attendance seems to suggest that
THE LADLE continues to serve as a critical safety net for
Ambridge residents.
We treat every guest with dignity and respect. Our volunteers work diligently to make everyone feel welcome. We interact personally with those in attendance and to cater to their needs. As a result, this mission has spawned many close friendships. Our guests genuinely look forward to Monday afternoon as a time for fellowship and social interaction.
Although the hot meal is the primary attraction, THE LADLE is much more than a traditional soup kitchen. We offer a food pantry and provide transit vouchers, Giant Eagle food certificates and emergency lodging to individuals with special circumstances.
In 2005 the United Presbyterian Church of Ambridge generously opened its doors to this mission and hosted it until October 15, 2018 at which time the Ladle moved to St. John's Lutheran Church 1320 Church Street in Old Economy in Ambridge, PA. Both congregations remain committed to supported this ministry and continue to provide volunteers.
The backbone of THE LADLE is the volunteer teams that purchase the food, prepare the meal and serve our guests week in and week out. We are blessed with 21 local churches/ organizations that provide the human support network for this mission. Some of these teams serve one time per year while others serve as many as four times each year. Our Board member and scheduler, Kent Schwarz, rotates the volunteer teams such that a different volunteer group serves each week.
If you are interested in contributing to this mission, either as a volunteer or a donor, please return to the main menu and click on the Contact Us page.
Meals served in 2017. 4,051
Meals served in 2018 3,933
Meals served in 2019 3,490
Meals served in 2020 6,565
Meals served in 2021 6,142
Numbers Served
Meals served in 2022. 4,045
Meals served in 2023 4,241
Meals served in 2024 1, 975
Meals served in 2005: | 950 |
Meals served in 2006: | 2,068 |
Meals served in 2007: | 2,400 |
Meals served in 2008: | 3,941 |
Meals served in 2009: | 4,231 |
Meals served in 2010: | 3,763 |
Meals served in 2011: | 4,073 |
Meals served in 2012: | 4,123 |
Meals served in 2013: | 4,198 |
Meals served in 2014: | 4,221 |
Meals served in 2015: | 3,710 |
Meals served in 2016 4,000